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Website Maintenance


IT Global Project is truly flexible digital services company, helping businesses across the globe improve the performance and security of their websites.


Our team don’t just build remarkable online experiences; we also offer website maintenance and security services because we know site management and maintenance is essential to maximizing your online performances.

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Continued Website Maintenance And Support For Better SEO

  • As a SEO top service company we can’t forget the importance of positioning on Google link , that’s why our service includes continued website maintenance and support.
  • Keeping a site current and relevant has everything to do with how your site ranks, and how much traffic visits and, ultimately, converts.
  • Our ongoing website maintenance services are geared to maximize your online presence, engage customers with fresh content, and create higher levels of profitability.
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What regular updates do website maintenance services include?

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Check all error log files and messages at Google Search Console  to make sure there are no major issues

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Apply available updates on plugin sor security patches for any software your site relies on (e.g. PHP, content management systems, ecommerce module, and many others.) Ensure you have a full site backup before applying updates. Check website and extension functions after applying updates. Evaluate non-critical software updates to see if they’re worth applying.

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No one likes slow page loads including Google. Once per month our team check how quickly your website pages load and get actionable recommendations. Ensure that website editors loading appropriately resized images and that the website itself is adequately optimising images.

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Make sure that your website files and database backups are being automatically performed on at least a weekly basis. Restore from backup at least once every six months to ensure the backups are valid. Verify that backups are also stored off site or include a cloud backup system.

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You hear about high-profile security breaches all the time and you can only assume that there are even more low-profile ones you never hear about. Securing your website from hackers has to be a major priority for anyone that runs a website – and it’s even more important for eCommerce businesses who deal with customer’s private data.

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Contact Forms are usually an important part of lead generation and need to be checked regularly for script errors or changes in destination emails. Our team will test every contact form in your website to ensure everything is working fine.

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Let’s Work Together

  • You’ve probably already put a lot of time and effort into creating your dream website, (and if you haven’t, we’d love to help you with that too) so let us help you with your ongoing website maintenance and support.

  • We offer website maintenance services in Spain, Usa, Venezuela and support clients all over the world.

  • Please give us a message to discuss how we can work together.

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The Importance of having Mainteinance Support

  • Many clients under-estimate the importance of regular website maintenance and complain to the website development agency when it breaks! If you’re not booking your website in for a regular service then we know who is really at fault when traffic comes to an untimely halt.

  • It’s vital to keep your website asset purring and performing.

  • Grand offers affordable website maintenance packages for any business, whether we built your website or not.

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ESSENTIALSMost Popular$49,99

  • Plugins Update – Keep It Healthy
  • Monthly Report – PDF with visitors info (Age, Location, others)
  • Contact Form – Check & Fix Forms

Choose Plan

ADVANCEDMost Popular$79,99

  • Plugins Update – Keep It Healthy
  • Monthly Report – PDF with visitors info (Age, Location, others)
  • Contact Form – Check & Fix Forms
  • Website Errors – Solving Errors
  • Backup – Monthly Backup

Choose Plan

VIPMost Popular$169,99

  • Plugins Update – Keep It Healthy
  • Monthly Report – PDF with visitors info (Age, Location, others)
  • Contact Form – Check & Fix Forms
  • Website Errors – Solving Errors
  • Backup – Monthly Backup
  • Speed Optimizer – Fast website
  • Images Optimizer – Fast & better SEO
  • Firewall Plugin – A bodyguard on your Web
  • Get Improvements – We help you sell

Choose Plan

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    Puede ser por ZOOM, SKYPE, WHATSAPP o Google Meet. Primordialmente, se realizan por ZOOM, pero lo dejamos a la elección del visitante. En algunos casos, sobre todo para la solución de errores es necesarios la conexión a través de Teamviewer

    La primera consultoría gratuita dura unos 30 minutos. Si es necesario pueden ser más largas, pero puede que tenga un coste adicional. Para estos casos, recomendamos detallarlo en el formulario de contacto.

    ¡En lo absoluto! Nuestro servicio abarca un apoyo completo, tanto para empresas que están iniciando como aquellas que ya tienen recorrido. De hecho, en muchas ocasiones damos unas formación de 30 minutos gratuitas a nuestros clientes para que sepan un poco más de los términos que se usan en este mundo.

    Aunque no nos gustan mucho las permanencias, en este servicio sí la aplicamos. Ya que el éxito de nuestro planes va a depender del trabajo conjunto que realizamos como proveedor y cliente. Existe una curva de trabajo que en los primeros meses es mucho más fuerta y que regularmente se repite al inicio de cada año.

    No, no existe permanencia puedes dar de baja el servicio en cualquier momento. Solo pedimos una notificación por via escrita 30 días antes del vencimiento de la fecha. Pero tranquilo que somos flexibles y entendemos que pueden haber situaciones difíciles.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget leo at velit imperdiet varius. In eu ipsum vitae velit congue iaculis vitae at risus. Nullam tortor nunc, bibendum vitae semper a, volutpat eget massa.